In answer to a common question:
Now, if I look at what the Bible says: I was under the impression the gift of prophesy is the ONE gift we are no longer privy to - until the very, very last of days. Am I wrong?
In answer to your question concerning prophecy...
First, I have NEVER said that prophecy is not for today, or only for the "last days", if by that you mean the days just before the coming of the Lord as opposed to what the Word says they are.
First, please understand that "prophesy" in the Old Covenant came by Holy Spirit coming upon an anointed King, Prophet or Priest of God. Until after the resurrection of Jesus, and until after He had "breathed' on the disciples late on the same day as He rose from the dead, NOBODY had ever had the Holy Spirit living inside them.
Under the New Covenant, this has all changed, - people who have been "born-again" through believing and confessing Jesus as Lord (Romans 10:9-10) have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of them, in union with that person's recreated spirit man - the "new creation" the Bible talks about. When we subsequently receive the baptism of Holy Spirit, and become "endued with power from on high", then according the accounts in Acts, we should then, as evidence, manifest speaking in other tongues, as the Holy Spirit gives us the utterances (words to say) (Acts 2:1-4).
N.B. this is NOT the same "gift" as that mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:10, simply because this latter "gift" (more correctly "manifestation") of speaking in "diverse tongues" (along with the "gift" of interpretation) are manifestations that Holy Spirit gives, as He wills, NOT as we will. The tongue language you are given when you receive the baptism of Holy Spirit is different - you have complete control over when and where you pray in tongues.
Now, according to the Word of God - in the NT - (NOT my opinions), there is a "manifestation" of the Holy Spirit called "prophecy". (There are also the "Word of Knowledge" and the Word of Wisdom" - both of these operate through the manifestation of prophecy, under the direction of the Holy Spirit). Holy Spirit can choose to give such utterances to anyone who is willing and available to be used to operate in the manifestation of gift of prophecy, as defined according to the New Testament form of prophecy. The only qualifications are that they are "born-again" and have received the baptism of Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.
The Word of God also says that Jesus appoints "prophets" who are to operate within the framework of the local Church. If prophecy is not for today, then why would Jesus appoint prophets. This role is a "gift" to His Body.
This means that we should EXPECT, if our church is operating according to the method and prescription described in the NT (apparently problematic), to see/hear prophets giving prophetic words in our local churches. Paul also explains the purpose of this type of prophecy (including the manifestation of the gift of tongues and interpretation, which according to Paul (NOT my opinion) is the same as prophecy) - it is for edification and exhortation and comfort of the church, and is intended to give us revelation, knowledge, prophesying, and teaching. (Again NOT my opinion -
this is what the Word SAYS - I have deliberately not quoted chapter and verse, so that you can go and study and prove these things for your selves).
Therefore, from these statements alone (made in the NT, NOT my opinion), prophecy is very much "for today" - since the Church is still around. (If not, we are all in big trouble!)
The NT also tells us that the "spirit of the prophets is subject to the prophets", meaning he/she has a CHOICE as to whether they SPEAK the prophetic words Holy Spirit gives them.
according to Joel 2, God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and "Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy".
This will occur during the "last days".
According to Acts 2, if we are to believe this account (it is in the Word of God!!), then according to Peter, what happened on, and subsequent to, the outpouring of Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (BTW this is a Jewish feast day - not something invented by Christian tradition), when the disciples (all of them) spoke with other tongues, was a (beginning) fulfillment of Joel's prophesy.
Now, logically (not based on "opinions", "hearsay", or "I think this", or "it's my impression"):
1) If Joel was correct, and this was to be a major sign of the "Last Days";
and 2) Peter confirms this in his first "sermon";
and 3) the Book of Acts indicates that this was not a one, two or even three time occurrence;
and 4) we believe that we are in the "Last Days" now; (this is an opinion)
1) we should EXPECT to see similar things happening to day,
2) we should EXPECT to see people receiving the baptism of Holy Spirit, with the evidence (as per
Acts) of speaking in tongues
4) we should EXPECT to see people doing the same miracles and greater ones than Jesus did (not my opinion - Jesus said this)
5) we should EXPECT more and more angelic involvement in the spread of the Gospel, helping believers in their every day lives
6) we should EXPECT (according to Joel - who I hope you agree has been accurate so far) to see major supernatural events taking place in the Church - since Joel said that just during the "last days", i.e. in the days (months, years) leading up to the "Day of the Lord", God would pour our a double portion of His Spirit - Joel speaks of this as "the former and later rains together".
Now, basing our understanding on what we KNOW has already happened, and upon the belief (which I believe can be fully justified by Scripture) that we ARE in the last of the "Last Days", we should be able to correctly determine what we should be seeing now.
We have seen the "latter rain" (see Joel) outpouring of Holy Spirit(BTW this falls naturally in spring in Israel) at Pentecost - as per Peter's "sermon" (you cannot surely disagree with me on this - it's in the Word), we have seen the "former rain" outpouring - this was the outpouring of Holy Spirit at Azusa Street and the Welsh Revival, and at Pensacola more recently (you might disagree with me on this, but if so, we have still to see this part of the prophecy fulfilled), so, according to Joel (NOT my opinion), if we truly are in the last of the "Last Days", we should EXPECT the outpouring of Holy Spirit in a way the world has never yet seen - the "the former and later rains together", in its season, at the time of the harvest (Jeremiah 5:24) - i.e. in "a" September (early Fall) around the time of the Feast of Tabernacles.
We cannot KNOW the actual year, but I think we can have a pretty good idea, especially if, as in our church, God is continually speaking to us about it happening "very soon".
Now, if you want to argue that "tongues" and the manifestations of Holy Spirit are not for today, then logically, you are saying:
1) the Word of God is unreliable, or worse, is lying
2) that the "Last Days" were in fact 2000 years ago, and ended when the first apostles died, and we have gone beyond the "Last Days" that Scripture talks of.
OR (even more serious)
3) that God is both a respecter of persons, giving to one person something He will not give to another, and
4)that He changes His mind, and is no longer the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Logically you have to make a choice, because to not do so is to be unwilling or unable to rightly divide the Word, which means you can also wrongly divide it.
Now, either we are serious in our desire to really study the Word, and discover what it really says, or we just want to discuss our "opinions", what we "feel", what we may "believe", what we "think", what our "impressions" are, without reference to what the Scriptures actually say.
You CANNOT, logically (not opinion), have it both ways.
we rely on our "feelings", thinking", "beliefs", "impressions", "traditions", other peoples "teachings" (including any I might have tried to present previously) as a means to judge what we see and hear in the Word
we should be obedient to the Word, and study to make ourselves, individually, trusting that Jesus was telling us the Truth when he said that Holy Spirit would lead us into all Truth (which means you need to be able to hear Him clearly when He says "come this way"), approved of by God (not man), becoming perfect (mature) believers, no longer swayed or blown around by every wind of doctrine, not able to endure sound doctrine, turned aside to
fables, but rather we should be endeavoring to come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Furthermore, Jesus clearly said that the arrival of Holy Spirit, as described in Acts 2, has great advantages to us. Jesus said that it was only if Holy Spirit came "in power" upon us, would He be able to "lead us into all truth" and "tell us of things to come". Jesus also said that we needed this "power from on high" in order to be witnesses for Him to the ends of the earth.
In my understanding of the above, if that means that the Baptism of Holy Spirit is not an optional extra to put on and taken off like a rain coat on a rainy day, has a specific, evidential, visible result when I receive it (according to Acts), and enables me to operate in the supernatural - a prerequisite for the Great Commission (see Mark 16), AND, according to Jesus, I NEED it to be an effective witness - if so, then I want it - NOW!
Now, the real questions are:
Are you going to honest about what you believe, and whether or not it truthfully lines up with the Word, and act on it?
Are you going to study the Word, and believe it unreservedly and completely (which is a definition of faith, and remember, without faith it is impossible to please God?
OR, alternatively (and there really is no other logical alternative):
Are you going to continue to rely on your "traditions", religion, opinions, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, impressions and whatever, in spite of, or in contradiction to what the Word of God actually says?
It really is your choice. No one can make you decide, least of all God!
My main concern is that if you do NOT know what the Word says, and you are not learning to walk "in the Spirit" (the place, not the state), as we are COMMANDED to do by God himself, than when disaster strikes, be that from natural causes or terrorists, it will be too late to learn - you just won't have the time.
It is my belief that we are about to enter a time of great trouble and danger (just look to what has happened already in the US this year - tornadoes, extreme weather, flooding, mudslides, earthquakes and fires), which will make even the events in Burma and China pale in comparison.
If you are not able to totally put your trust in God, when all around you may be, literally, slipping away, and when getting even fresh water and basic food becomes next to impossible, when the basic necessities of life are not available to you, do you KNOW that you KNOW that your God will supply all of your need, do you KNOW how to get what you need from your storehouse in Heaven, and have it manifest here in the natural for you to use it now, or will you, like many Christians, suddenly find that your faith is like that of the man who built his house on the sand?
Remember, Jesus said that when we see such things as nations rising against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places, that this is only the beginning of birth pangs.
I've no experience of childbirth, except vicariously through my wife's experiences, but if the analogy of birth pangs is anything to go by, boy, we are in for a roller coaster of a ride, maybe literally.
Anyway,I'm not trying, in any way to say that any of us here are not "good" Christians, or that any of us are "better" than the others, because of our "knowledge" or "gifts", I am merely trying to show you what the Bible says, in the hope it might just help you, and in the worst case scenario, may literally save your life.
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John, Thanks for your teaching... again.
John, God bless you brother. I read your latest article and I am still digesting it. You really have some depth to share with us and I am more than willing to read and learn.
We have such a short time left and I have no intention of having to spend time in heaven in a make up class for scripture understanding.
Keep-um coming, I learn a lot from you. I'm sorry for the attitude coming from the cave. I understand your passion for the Spirit, and I for one will take all I can get.
thanks Mike
John, where are you? WE miss you at the blog and just trying to find you caused me to take the time and read again your present article "Is Prophesy for Today---" and I so enjoyed it, one more time. I think the main ingredient is that extra wonderful infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Let us know what's going on with you, OK!
Love you brother,
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