"Speaking In Tongues" from a New Testament Perspective
There are two distinct types of supernatural languages described in the NT, commonly termed "speaking in tongues".One is a personal, private prayer language, for speaking to God, in which we speak the mysteries of God, and is most useful when we do not know what or how to pray (Romans 8:26). See also 1 Cor 2:7, 1 Cor 13:1, 1 Cor 14:2, 4-6, 14-15, 18.
It also has a secondary, but equally important role in "building us up in our most holy faith" as
described by Jude (Jude 20). In other words, God gives you this prayer language for you to use as often as you want, whenever you want, for your benefit!
We receive this prayer language when we are "baptised in Holy Spirit" (or as Jesus put it, "endued with power from on high" - see Luke 22:49, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-21).
This ability is under your control - it's as if your inner man/spirit has been given a language to talk to God, and you need to open your mouth and let your spirit pray to God in this new language. It may sound like babbling or gibberish, but as you listen, you will begin to discern
words, sentences and cadence like any other language. It will sound different at different times, even to the point of being a completely different language. The important thing is that this is Holy Spirit praying the perfect will of God through you, either for you or for someone else, or for a specific situation.
You can also, before you start to pray, talk to Holy Spirit and ask Him to pray through you for a specific matter (for yourself or someone or something else) and then, in faith, believe that what you are praying in your tongue language is exactly what is required.
You may get a measure of understanding in your mind, if Holy Spirit allows this, but not always - it may be that you are praying for yourself, and God does not want to you to know the details - it might distress you or shock you, or it may be that God needs to do a work in your life, and this is how He will be be able to implement it - because you spoke it out, and gave Him permission to do so. If this sounds scary, it is not - God is a gentleman, and will only do what ever is necessary to build you up and bless you.
One important note - ONLY God can understand this language - nobody else, not even the devil - unless God gives the hearer understanding.
The second type is the one referred to in 1 Cor 12:7-9, where what are commonly described as the "gifts of the Holy Spirit", but better called the "manifestations of Holy Spirit" are cataloged.
If you read carefully the latter part of v9, it says that these manifestations are "as the Spirit wills". The way these 9 "gifts" operate is completely different from any other gift. They are intended to build up the Body of Christ, and are for use in a congregational setting.
Holy Spirit seeks out believers who are both willing and able to operate in one or more of
these gifts (they are not given to individuals except for that particular manifestation), and Holy Spirit gives them the anointing (power) to operate the specific gifts (or gifts) for the benefit of the whole Body. Certain people who stand in the office of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher are often able to operate in multiple gifts - in particular you will see an evangelist operating in the "working of miracles", the "gift of [special] faith", "gifts of healings", and the "gift of prophecy" accompanied by a "Word of Knowledge" or "Word of Wisdom". Apostles, Pastors and Teachers often operate in all of the oratorical gifts (Prophecy, Knowledge, Wisdom), and will have a specific anointing to operate regularly in one or more of the other gifts, such as the "gifts of healings", "working of miracles" and "special faith" - commonly called the power gifts.
The specific use of the "gift of tongues" and the accompanying "gift of interpretation" are twofold:
a) as a sign to unbelievers - those who do not necessarily believe in the operation of the
"gifts", not necessarily non-Christians (1 Cor 14:22-23)
b) as an alternative to the manifestation of the "gift of prophecy" - often this will occur when a
church has newcomers, or visitors, or even unbelievers in the congregation, and God wants to speak to them for a sign.
This second type of "tongues" can have a variety of expressions. These tongues can sometimes be heard by the listener as being in their own language - the tongue is NOT in their own language, they just hear it in their own language - as if God had inserted a translator in between the person's ears. This is what happened on the day of Pentecost - the hearers all heard in their own languages, but the disciples were speaking in supernatural tongue languages. I think that this also qualifies as "the working of a miracle" - another of the 9
manifestations of Holy Spirit.
I have witnessed this in our own church, when one of our pastors gave a message in tongues,, followed by an interpretation (NOT a translation). A visitor to our church afterwards came and thanked her for giving her a word in her own native tongue - Portuguese. What had been spoken out in the tongue language was most definitely NOT Portuguese, and what was given in interpretation was also not what the woman had heard - this was for the church as a whole.
I have also spoken with several people who have been ministering in foreign countries, not knowing the language, yet feeling very strongly that God wanted them to speak to someone - a
complete stranger - and stepped out in faith and began to speak using their private tongue language. In on instance, two YWAM girls - both American, were in Moscow (Olympic Games '78??), and a lady walked into the lobby of their hotel, sat down beside them as started to speak in Russian. Neither girl spoke Russian, but they looked at each other and started speaking in their private tongue languages. They had a 45 minute conversation with the lady, and to this day have no idea what they said, but she went away very happy and excited.
The second occurrence was very recent, when a Canadian minister was visiting Russia
(again), and was asked to pray for a Russian family of believers. Not quite knowing what else to do, she started to pray in her private tongue language. Afterwards, the pastor of the church she was ministering in came and told her that the family wished her to know that she had prayed exactly what they needed, in perfect Russian!
I personally pray a lot in my tongue language - I just like chattering to Go in it, knowing that, even if I do not have specific purpose, I am being "built up", and there will be results that come from that time of prayer. It also builds my faith - I liken it to doing exercises - just
as one does to strengthen one's body.
If you want the experience, just read the Word where it talks about the baptism of Holy Spirit, and ask God to give this gift to you. Then, in faith, believe you have received the gift of the baptism, and open your mouth and start to pray - you will be pleasantly surprised. It's easier and quicker to do it than explain it.
It will also revolutionize you faith and your walk with God - everything will become clearer, brighter, more intense, and you will have a much deeper relationship with God as a result.
Hi John,
Jen here from Joel's blog....
a question about receiving the gift of tongues. Can the first experience with it be very quick, just a few sounds, then back to my regular language? I think I may have experienced it tonight while I was praying to God about a very difficult and heart-rending situation. I liken it to the first time I felt my baby kick when I was pregnant....I wasn't sure it was the baby kicking, maybe it was just indigestion! But it was definitely something different. I've been reading your posts on the gift of tongues for many weeks now. I admit to coming from a background that would've laughed it off, so I was very skeptical when you first started posting about it. But I have been praying for discernment and feel myself being drawn to it more.
Any insight you can provide would be helpful. If it's like learning a new language, then I can see how it would come in small spurts, just as a baby makes a few sounds and then begins to add words, etc.
Many thanks,
PS. You can leave me a note on my blog if you want to. It's "my3peas"
You have got it in a nutshell - its exactly like you have described - when you start praying in tongues, you mind will fight it (and the enemy will tell you it's nonsense - all in your mind - which is actually impossible, since your mind has nothing to do with it - it's your spirit man talking.
One analogy that might help..
If you imagine a rubber band that you keep stretching, then at some point the band will break... it's sort of like that with tongues - at the beginning it seems to take a lot of effort (and will power) to keep doing it, but if you persist, for example, by praying in tongues for 2 minutes at a time, then 5, then 10, then 15, then 30, and so on, one day it will as if the band has broken and there is no more resistance, and it starts to flow freely.
One more thing, praying in tongues is only the beginning of learning to "flow with Holy Spirit" - there is a whole world in the spirit realm (God's realm) out there that you need to enter into, in terms of listening to Holy Spirit, praying, learning to go with the two way flow of conversation between you and Holy Spirit, leading to prophecy, words of knowledge and wisdom, spiritual songs of worship, the list goes on...
At our prayer meeting last night, God actually told us that we ALL needed to move up another level in our prayer - and some of us have been spirit-filled, tongue-talking believers for years. It was quite exciting, because Holy Spirit actually demonstrated what He meant - it really stirred me up to seek to know more.
Hi, John!
Two things.
The first has to do with your response to me at Joel's when I asked about losing my salvation when I had my suicidal depression relapse. You hit the nail on the head when you said I wasn't living in the blessing and victory that God has assigned to all believers. You're also correct in that I've had no teaching on growing in faith. One thing that frustrates me is that I want an intimate relationship with God, but can't seem to get there.
We're supposed to have faith like a child, but mine was destroyed when I was very young. That's why I chose the little girl kneeling and praying. That's what I want to be like, but trust is an extremely difficult issue for me.
I think I'm like that relative of yours who was diagnosed bi-polar. She saw herself as a bi-polar person, and I can't seem to separate the illness from who I am. I know there's a genetic component to it because I can see it in my own family, and maybe that's partly why I can't separate the suicidal depression from who I am.
The second is the praying in tongues. Three times in the last week, I've had an interesting experience. The first two times, I had a particular person in mind as I was praying. Interestingly enough, this has only happened to me when I'm extremely sleepy. I think that's probably because when I'm lying down and getting ready to go to sleep, my mind is the most free from distractions.
The first two times this happened, I had a particular person I was praying for. I thought about this person, then was filled with a very strong emotion. No words, just emotion. It's kind of hard to describe, but it's a mixture of love, compassion, wanting healings and blessings, etc. It's an emotion I've experienced before, but only for a few seconds. Even though I was on the verge of falling asleep, this emotion lasted longer than just a few seconds. In fact, I think it's probably the love of God.
The third time was yesterday. After I had lunch, I layed down. I remember asking God who needed prayer, and experiencing that same emotion again. I have no idea who it was directed toward. And again, there were no words. Just the emotion.
I guess like Jen said in her post, the first time she felt her baby kick, she wasn't sure if that was what it was, but she knew it was something different. I know what I experienced is something that didn't come completely from me.
Dear John
I really love your posts and get plenty of food for thought from them. This post on the gift of tongues was amazing, thanks! On your last 2 posts on salvation I respectfully would like to add that asking for forgiveness is as important, as is asking Jesus into our lives. The other point is being baptised in the Spirit.
I would really like to pick your fine brain on Scripture! I am an ex-Anglican and I am having a debate with some ministers whom are claiming that homosexuality is not the same today as it was in the OT or NT. Their words are “Homosexual orientation is not regarded as somehow sinful”. I have asked them to please back this up with Scripture and I am waiting for their reply. In the mean time I would really love some Scriptural backing from you. Would you be so kind as to oblige. Thanks!
Yours in Christ
PS I have a whole pamphlet that has been sent out to the South African Anglican Church and could forward it to you, as well as a letter I sent to the writers and the one reply that I got. Let me know.
Dear John
The reasons for my comments on being born again are from what I have been researching and reading. I have also been reading articles by Andrew Storm who is a revivalist working in America, where he states that no where in Scripture are we asked to just ask Jesus into our lives by saying “the sinners prayer”. He based this statement on Acts 2: 37-41.
37When people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”
38Peter replied, “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off – for all whom the Lord our God will call.
40With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save your selves from this corrupt generation.” 41Those who accepted his message were baptised, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.
There is also 1 John 1: 6-9 where we are commanded to repent. I am at home and all my research work and articles are at my office. Unfortunately this is all I can remember at the moment, brain is on over load with all the posts and being switched off for the weekend! I will check into all the articles and research so that we can discuss this some more. I really enjoy what you posts and you make me question and read up more, which is a major requirement!
Hope you have a blessed day, our Sunday is now drawing to a close.
Yours in Christ
Hi John,
Jen again....
Well, I have to give you the update. I've spent the last week trying to "work out" my initial experience with tongues, and like you said, it has come in small, short spurts. Just a few 'sentences' was all that came through over the last few days. But then tonight, I think things let loose! As I was getting focused, I had a picture of a child with a facial deformity pop into my mind...nothing I'd seen on TV or heard about would have instigated it, so I felt that the Spirit perhaps wanted me to pray for that child and so I allowed my heart to open up to those words. And things flew out, almost faster than my mouth could form the sounds! It kept going and going and changed several times in the sounds. I'm sure I detected at least 3 different 'languages'. I'm a linguist by trade, so I've dealt with various languages over the past 10 years and I'm sure the last tongue I spoke was Asian, very much like Chinese. This also brought to mind a wish I had made years ago when I first started teaching my foreign-language students. I told God if I had 1 wish in the whole world to make for myself, it would be to have the ability to communicate in all languages so that I could better serve my students and their families (it's always slow-going and painstakingly difficult to work in their very basic or non-existant English.) I had to chuckle as I was praying when I went through the different tongues. I had no clue what I was saying, but God remembered my wish!
Just wanted you to know how things were going. I'm sure I'll have some questions for you as I continued to learn about this most amazing gift. So much catching up to do!
You are doing just fine. It's a journey, and you just need to keep going.
Paul tells Timothy that he should "stir up the gift" inside of him - meaning the gift of Holy Spirit.
Jude says that we are building ourselves up in our most holy faith, when we are praying in the Holy Spirit - i.e. in tongues [Jude 20].
One point, these private tongue languages are NOT human or even angelic languages, they are unique heavenly languages that we use to talk directly to God (1 Cor 2: and 1 Cor 14:2) - no one else, including Satan or his demonic entourage, can understand. They MAY sound like an earthly tongue, and people listening may HEAR an earthly tongue, but they are NOT earthly tongues.
Speaking in tongues is the door into the rest of the spiritual gifts. That is why it is an initial supernatural sign or evidence of the Holy Spirit's indwelling. It's the beginning of it all.
In my life, I am beginning to find that the more I pray and worship God in tongues, the more manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit I am able to operate in - but again I repeat, it is as Holy Spirit wills that I am able to be used in one or more of the 9 "gifts" described in 1 Cor 12:7-11.
My speaking in tongues is the ONLY gift that I am able to do as and when I will - it is a private gift that can be operated at any time for my edification (building myself up) - see 1 Cor 14:2. It is my spirit praying, as it says in 1 Cor 14:14, and I am praying God's perfect will - see 1 Romans 8:26-27.
So, I encourage you to continually speak in tongues, as much as you can, praising God "in spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, 20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." [Eph 5:19-20].
Speaking in tongues to yourself during your everyday activities will also help to keep you free from the world's contamination of vulgar and profane speech that on goes around most of us every day when we are out in public. It will also encourage and help you to focus on God and godly things, even when all around you are not.
Is it ok if I print your study and take it home with me this weekend?
If you don't mind
Hi John,
Thought I should respond with a quick clarification since you've been so generous with your replies to me of late....
I didn't mean to imply that I recognized the language I've experienced (I remember your words in the original post about the tongue being understood by God alone, unless He permits otherwise.) I should have said that the sounds reminded me of an Asian dialect at one point.
And also, I understand that I can't go around using my tongue language to talk with others who don't speak English in expectation that we'll be able to have a conversation about the weather, etc :-)
In the last few days, I've done some net surfing on the subject of tongues and there are so many different views out there! All backed with Scripture to suit the writer's view, of course. One writer said that we shouldn't seek the gift of tongues (that would show that the person isn't sure that Christ's work on the cross was enough to secure our salvation and would be like a doubting Thomas, needing more "proof" that they were really saved.) He also emphatically stated that women, under no circumstance, should speak in tongues, because that would lead to women being in positions of instruction over men and of course, that is a no-no. That got me a bit riled!
Anyway, it seems that speaking now is quite easy. At first I had to be in a totally quiet environment with the kids sleeping and hubby at work. Now I can just open my mouth and the words flow out.
I will eventually have to "reveal" this gift to my husband. I'm sure I can't keep it from him for too long. I expect that will cause some heated conversation in our home and possibly a visit to the mental institution if he has his way ;-) We both come from Christian homes, but his home especially is sorta like a closed canon....saved, not much else to worry about. My recent "obsession" with Joel's site and related topics has been met with a wall on his end. He thinks I'm into all kinds of conspiracy stuff and views it as a waste of time. (Somehow obession with sports isn't viewed as a similar waste :O ) Anyway, I'm just asking the Lord to direct me through it and to keep molding us both so that we have as much unity as possible, especially as things around the world begin to crumble. It's amazing how many people don't see the connections to Scripture.
Have a blessed weekend,
Hi John,
A quick question, if you have time to respond.
I'm continuing in my prayer time in tongues and am finding it as easy to start now as if I'm speaking English. I feel, however, that I really don't know where to go to continue my growth in the use of tongues or how to make sure I'm keeping on the right path with it. Could you recommend any good literture on the subject or particular people to read? I feel that if I start hunting and pecking on the internet or at my local Christian bookstore, I'll end up on a goose chase and I don't have time for that, in several regards.
Thanks in advance!
In reply, I would suggest you browse the online bookshop at www.rhema.org
Books about the Holy Spirit
Recommended reading:
How to flow with the Holy Spirit - $1.50
Understanding the Anointing - $9.95
The Spirit within and the Spirit Upon - $12.95
Tongues: Beyond The Upper Room - $14.95
Tongues: Their Scriptural Purpose (Tape set) - $15.00
Books about Prayer
The Art Of Prayer - $12.95
Bible Prayer Study Course - $15.95
I also suggest that you find a church nearby that teaches this stuff...(Note: most charismatic and pentecostal churches only have a partial understanding of all this Holy Spirit, walking by faith lifestyle, and will often preach against the "Word of Faith" churches - mostly out of fear and ignorance - they have never studied the Word themselves to establish the truth of what the Hagins, the Copelands, Jesse Duplantis and others are actually teaching.
See Rhema Affilaited Churches in the US
Select the state you live in,and look for churches near you.
Every church has its own flavor - you need to pray in tongues and in English that God will direct you to the church He wants to be in. Not every church will be what you are looking for, but there will be one out there for you and hopefully your family.
Blessing in Jesus.
You are doing great John and I am so happy that you are being allowed and sought out by regulars on Joel's blog. I know that there are always going to be those who just refuse to budge off of bad doctrine or even going so far as to say hieratic teaching and theology but the truth will always win out.
I pray for you and this is a bigger picture than we can possibly imagine but isn't it great that we are allowed to be part of this Last Days generation?
I will probably be posting at Joel's and everywhere else as Great Grany 5 but my heart will always be WJM.
Take care and just keep telling them the truth. We got a witness!
Shalom brother,
I just watched a Minister that I have seen before on Daystar T.V., but I actually stopped and listened to him this evening :) Have you heard of Joseph Prince Ministries? Wow! He said, that praying in tongues, is the "sword of the spirit," of our armour! And he explained why, in his sermon. If you have a chanse, go to:
www.josephprince.org, and I believe the sermon is available.
Anyway, I wanted to see if you've heard this Pastor, and what you thought, etc.
Thanks! And God bless!
In answer to your question - the idea is not quite right.
The use of "speaking in tongues" when used in personal prayer (NOT the "gift of tongues" mentioned in 1 Cor 12:10) is NOT a warfare weapon, although it does change things and situations, because it releases God to act on our behalf, just as normal prayer in our native tongue does.
In Eph 6: it says:
the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God
The greek used in the expression "word of God" uses the word "rhema which means that the "sword of the Spirit" is the spoken, articulate, understandable Word of God - so it cannot be tongues. In the next phrase in Ep 6 it speaks of "praying...in the Spirit" - you can do this by praying in tongues, or allowing Holy Spirit to give you words in your own normal articulate language (e.g. English) as you pray - which is a bit like giving a prophecy, but in this instance you are praying out the words to God, not to the Body, and you will be able to understand what you are praying.
There is a confusion amongst many Charismatics and Pentecostals that you can do spiritual warfare using tongues (by shouting at the devil!) Unfortunately, according to the Word, this is nonsense.
In 1 Cor 2:7-11, it says:
7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory,
8 which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
9 But as it is written:
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart
of man
The things which God has prepared
for those who love Him.”
10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.
11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. [NKJV]
Thus we can see that when we speak in tongues, this praying out the mysteries of God.
Again in 1 Cor 14:2, it says
For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.
which clearly says that ONLY God can understand what we say when we speak in tongues, and when we are praying in tongues we are praying out the perfect will of God - as it says in Romans 8:26-27:
26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. [NKJV]
To do warfare against the devil and his demons, all we need to do it take authority in Jesus' Name and command him to go away - just as it says in James 4:7
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. [NKJV]
If tongues are for praying to God, we certainly do not need to shout and scream at Him.....
As far as Joseph Prince Ministries is concerned, I have no knowledge of the man or his ministry or church except what is posted on the websites. Obviously God is working in that congregation, and through this man's ministry - you just need to filter EVERYTHING that he says through the lens of Scripture.
Hope this helps.
Thanks! I really appreciate your answer!
Although he didn't use the "shout at the devil" bit (and that is silly, because we do use the name of Jesus without any antics, etc.) he did seem to advocate praying in tongues as the ultimate offensive weapon to be used against coming against satan, and problems, etc. And while I know I need to pray in tongues more (it's easy for me to neglect, at times :( it "didn't sound quite right." So again, many thanks! Because I do appreciate being able to come to you, as a Bible Teacher, and receiving sound doctrine.
May God continue to bless you, and your family, and thanks again for your wonderful On Line Ministry!
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